The package comes in the form of a zip file that contains every post you've ever made as well as details of every message and everything you've searched for, liked or commented on.

You’ll be taken to the Instagram site to sign in and start the download. Once you receive the email, click 'Download Data'. To get started you'll need to request a download link either via the Instagram website or the app. It might not be very practical if you just one to download one image that you uploaded recently, but it's not a bad option if you want to save a whole load of old photos that you've accidentally deleted from your phone. This “official” way to download your stuff was introduced due to privacy concerns following controversies at parent company Facebook (now Meta) to give people more ownership of their data. That includes all the photos and videos that you’ve uploaded as posts or stories as well as a lot of other things you might not want, such as details of your comments and likes. The one option Instagram has is to let you to download your account’s entire history in one massive package. There is no native method to download Instagram photos from your account one by one. You should always ask permission and give credit where due. Some of the methods below will allow you to download Instagram photos from other people's accounts. If you download Instagram photos, please respect image ownership. How to download Instagram photos to a PC or Mac We also have a beginner Instagram Reels tutorial, if you've yet to get up to speed on the ins and outs of Instagram's video content format, and we have a guide on how to sell on Instagram if you're thinking of using the platform for a creative business.